Don’t Go Without an Attorney – Get What You Deserve If You’re Injured On the Job

| Jan 9, 2012 | Accident Attorney, Law Firm, Personal Injury Attorney

Attorney Bob Healey of Healey Law, LLC has over 25 years of experience as an accident and injury attorney.  Contact us now to arrange your free consultation.


Make sure you report the accident to your immediate supervisor as soon as possible after it takes place. Ask your supervisor to make a written report of the incident and give you a copy.

Be aware of the possibility that the insurance company will be monitoring your actions.  Those companies sometimes place surveillance on injured claimants, and they also monitor your social media accounts.  Your actions need to match the injury status which you claim to have.

Consult with an attorney at the earliest practicable time.  Employers and the companies which insure them have significant expertise about the workers compensation process.  If you proceed with your claim without the assistance of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney, you will be at a significant disadvantage and you are not likely to receive the compensation to which you are entitled as a result of your on the job injury.

Keep all appointments with your doctors and physical therapists. If you cannot keep an appointment, call ahead of time and reschedule. The insurance company will try to suspend your weekly income benefits if you routinely miss your appointments.


DON’T give a recorded statement to the insurance company without consulting an attorney first. What you say could jeopardize your claim. At Healey Law, LLC we can help you determine if a recorded statement is required, properly prepare you beforehand, and participate in the entire process.

DON’T seek medical treatment from any physician other than your authorized treating physician without first consulting an attorney.  In most instances the employer and its insurer are not obligated to pay for unauthorized medical treatment.

DON’T miss work unless your treating physician authorizes you to be off work.  If you don’t feel that you are capable of working after your treating doctor says you can return to work, you should report for work and make an honest attempt to perform your duties.  If you can’t do it, report your difficulties to your supervisor and ask to return to the treating doctor.

DON’T wait to hire an attorney.  The workers compensation system is a specialized and complicated area of the law.  You should not try to get through it without an advocate who has the expertise and experience to even the playing field with the insurance companies and their experts.

Call Bob Healey at Healey Law, LLC now at (314) 401-3261 to set up a free consultation or contact us at [email protected].

I am interested in hearing your stories and challenges with on the job injuries.  Please share your comments below.


Bob Healey is a licensed attorney and principle with Healey Law, LLC, a full-service St. Louis law firm, specializing in handling cases for accident and injury victims, injured workers, and consumers who have been abused or mistreated by debt collectors, banks, mortgage companies and credit reporting agencies. With 4 convenient locations in Chesterfield, Downtown St. Louis, North County (Bridgeton near DePaul Hospital) and South County (on Tesson Ferry across from St. Anthony’s Hospital) the attorneys at Healey Law, LLC have over 25 years of experience representing clients in the State and Federal Courts in both Missouri and Illinois.  For more information visit: